Sharing Happiness with Others
When people think of happiness, they tend to think of it as something that must be reached but, in reality, happiness is what you create from the pieces of life that you have – not from some perfect state where everything falls into place. If you learn to adjust your expectations of happiness away from thinking of it as a perfect state of contentment and toward an understanding that it’s created from a collection of moments that you notice, appreciate, and cherish even the less positive ones, then sharing your happiness with others becomes much easier.
Understand That We All Have Moments of Happiness
There are few human emotions that are as fragile as happiness. It’s based on positive experiences, but often built upon notions of how we imagine an experience will be—it’s inherently comparative and fleeting. Have you ever noticed that as soon as you start thinking about how great your life is, it’s amazing all of a sudden? That’s because life isn’t static. There are so many more moments of happiness than those we tend to focus on.
Notice These Moments
It’s easy to remember what you should be doing or should have done. It’s often harder to notice those moments that are right in front of you, even though they’re often more meaningful than anything else. If you want to share happiness with others, learn how to spot these good moments and appreciate them. Happy people aren’t just content—they recognize contentment when it arrives, even if it’s unexpected.
Create Opportunities for Sharing Happiness
You can find an opportunity to share your happiness anywhere. There’s no one-size-fits-all way to share your happiness, look for opportunities to create positive moments. For instance, you might ask a friend or coworker how they’re doing and actually, listen (and remember) their answer. Maybe you stop for a moment and notice something around you that makes you smile. Or perhaps you tell someone how much they mean to you—not because it’s a holiday, but because every day is worth appreciating our loved ones. The good news is there are no shortage of opportunities if we choose to look for them!
How Are You Sharing Happiness?
Additional Resource: Happiness Starts With You Course
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